Red Marble
Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals with own character and textures covering different colors and veins, textures. So Red marble is one kind of various marble categories, it is widely used for decorative art and interior decoration specially galley in hotel hall, kitchen,stairs, wall,bathroom with strength and durable characteristic.Red marble is evident to attract the attention of people when you see it due to natural beauty of brightness color.
Eastwood Stone Encyclopedia are sourcing a highly quality,natural and authentic red marble from China to worldwide like Spain,Italy,Iran,Philippines, Norway, Portugal but red color is a rarely marble material comparing with other color series marble that people always seek it continually. For red marble material. Polished finish is a most popular among customers with a smooth textures providing a shiny,glossy look to coordinate well with contemporary,modern and traditional designs. Give people a timeless and elegant with red marble. It is also easy to clean, making it practical and attractive addition to almost any room.
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